Refugee Lives
I am a witness to what happened in the region during the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
I wanted to be the cry of those who had a bullet pass over their heads, who had seen the cold face of death, who had sent half of their lives to war or who were trying to survive behind the front, who had to migrate. I said 'no to war' with the frames I took both on the front and behind the front.
The real war was behind the front lines. People who had to migrate to other countries with their few belongings, out of instinct to survive, without knowing the language or culture... a journey into the unknown in order to live or to make others live... getting away from their home, their country, their loved ones... Who would choose that?
I saw children who took their birds with them when they escaped from the war; they have no family, they are alone... Children and young people who are seen as cheap labor in the country where they will become refugees, who will work like slaves in a capitalist system that has no mercy for anyone...
The tragedies I saw in refugee camps shaped my path. I have a responsibility towards the children and young people there! Since that day, I have been working on refugees in refugee camps and on the border lines.
I wanted to use photography as a tool and help them. I gave photography training to refugee children and young people in both refugee camps and cities, I walked the streets together. I saw the street through their lens, I shared their stories.
With this social responsibility project, maybe they will become photographers. The thought of at least having a color and a memory in their lives makes me feel good...